Taylor Emmons Scholarship Recipient

2018-2019: Dani Taraska

The Out-of-Door Academy and the Emmons family are excited to announce Dani Taraska '22 as the eighth recipient of the Taylor Emmons Scholarship. A driven and gifted student, a three-sport athlete, and a dedicated volunteer, Dani truly excels in everything she does. The scholarship selection committee was extremely impressed with Dani’s strength of character, pursuit of academic excellence, and commitment to making the world a better place. Her eighth grade teachers identified Dani as a positive leader, a motivated student, a talented athlete, and a responsible role model for other students. When not in the classroom, participating in athletics, or assisting with community service projects, Dani can be found spending time with her four siblings—two sets of twins—and her parents. We are pleased to recognize Dani as this year’s scholarship recipient, and to welcome Dani, and the entire Taraska family, to the ODA community. The Out-of-Door Academy and the Emmons family are excited to announce Dani Taraska '22 as the eighth recipient of the Taylor Emmons Scholarship.


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